Energia - ¦rodowisko
Dodatek promocyjno-reklamowy do "RZECZPOSPOLITEJ".
21 grudnia 2005 r.

European-standard wastewater treatment in £ód¼
£ód¼ was one of the first cities in Poland to obtain non-repayable financial assistance from the European Union for the realization of three large environmental investment projects:
"Municipal waste management in £ód¼"
- "£ód¼ wastewater treatment (Phase 1)"
- "£ód¼ waterworks and wastewater treatment plant II"
The combined value of these projects amounts to 213 million euros, of which 107 million euros will be covered by the Cohesion Fund.
Extensive usage of EU funding
We have already spoken about the "Municipal waste management in £ód¼" project in the previous issue of the "Energy-Environment" supplement of 15 November 2005 in the article entitled "European-standard waste treatment". In order to introduce European standards also in the field of wastewater treatment, the city of £ód¼ has set out to develop and modernize the Group Wastewater Treatment Plant for £ód¼ Agglomeration under the "£ód¼ Wastewater Treatment (Phase 1)" project.
As early as in 1999, £ód¼ submitted an initial application for European Union funding under the ISPA programme. On 17 September 2001, the financing memorandum for the "£ód¼ Wastewater Treatment (Phase 1)" project was approved by the European Commission.
The project envisages extension and modernization of the Group Wastewater Treatment Plant for £ód¼ and resolution of sludge disposal problem by means of thermal treatment. The "£ód¼ Wastewater Treatment (Phase 1)" is a regional project and has two beneficiaries: £ód¼ and Konstantynów £ódzki, the latter of which has already constructed a wastewater transmission collector.
After it is developed, the wastewater treatment plant in £ód¼ will treat sewage from £ód¼, Pabianice, Konstatynów £ódzki as well as Ksawerów, Rzgów and Nowosolna in compliance with the requirements of the national and the European Union legislation. The project is of importance for all municipalities situated on the river Ner and in the Odra and Warta river basin.
The scope of the project
The project will be completed in the years 2003-2009. The implementation period is so short thanks to the European Union funding; had it not been for the EU financial assistance, the execution of the project would have taken much longer. The total value of the project is 47 million euros; 50% of its eligible investment costs will be covered by the Cohesion Fund.
The project includes 6 Works Contracts and 3 Service Contracts. The following contracts are currently being executed: Contract 01 Extension of treatment lines, Contract 02 Modernization of biological treatment lines (MUCT), Contract 05 Installation of equipment for process control automation.
First successes
What has been done so far? In 2005 two contracts have been completed, among them a contract for "Construction of bio-gas tank and additional equipment for aeration station", under which the wastewater treatment plant's blowers hall has been equipped with 3 modern air blowers. Furthermore, a new bio-gas tank, which will enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the bio-gas plant, has been constructed. What is important, bio-gas produced from the treatment-generated sludge, allows for environmentally friendly production of heat and power for the Group Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Konstantynów £ódzki has constructed a wastewater transmission collector for the £ód¼ wastewater treatment plant (under the contract for "Construction of the wastewater transmission collector from Konstantynów £ódzki").
Sludge management
The contract for "Sludge management in £ód¼" envisages introduction of thermal sludge treatment and application of sewage sludge for the cultivation of the so-called "energy" willow.
Establishment of a willow plantation is another example of comprehensive thinking which seeks to combine sludge management and energy production. Willow will be used as a bio-fuel crop for the city. The plantation will be set up on agricultural wasteland situated in the limited usage area of the Group Wastewater Treatment Plant. Additionally, sewage sludge can be applied as farmland fertilizer.
Benefits for inhabitants and the environment
The development and upgrade of treatment facilities as well as introduction of modern metering and automation systems will increase the wastewater treatment plant's capacity and will boost its efficiency. Furthermore, the problem of treatment side products will be resolved.
Currently, bio-gas generated during sludge fermentation is used for the production of heat and power. Soon, sewage sludge will be thermally utilized.
The project will allow for appropriate sewage treatment and will improve management of sludge delivered to the £ód¼ wastewater treatment plant from the whole region, i.e. from £ód¼ and its neighbouring towns. It will allow for better environmental protection and reclamation of the river Ner. As well as that, it will boost attractiveness of the towns situated upon the river Ner and contribute to the economic development in the region and creation of new jobs.
The second phase of the project
In order to further improve its water and sewage management system, £ód¼ prepared a new project entitled "Waterworks and wastewater treatment plant in £ód¼ II". The project, worth over 142 million euros, envisages investments in extension and modernization of the water and sewage system in £ód¼. On 17 December 2004, it was approved for co-financing by the European Commission. Under the Commission's decision, 50% of the project expenditure - i.e. 71 million euros - will be covered by the Cohesion Fund. The project seeks to extend the water and sewage infrastructure and improve the quality of water supplied to £ód¼. It will thus bring about better living conditions and further economic development of the city.
Moreover, the project will have a positive environmental impact; it will reduce waste discharges to surface waters and soil and, as a result, enhance the quality of surface, ground and underground waters. Thanks to construction and refurbishment of the water supply system, the city's water intakes will be fully utilized and network failure frequency will be reduced. All that will minimize system water losses.
The project will allow for expansion of the water-sewage network by: approx. 63 km of water supply network, 169 km of sanitary sewage system in urban areas with dense one-family housing and 93 km of stormwater drainage.
These achievements prove that £ód¼ is seeking comprehensive solutions. In order to improve environmental protection, the city is making use of the existing infrastructure base, new financing possibilities and innovative technologies.