Energia - Środowisko
Dodatek promocyjno-reklamowy do "RZECZPOSPOLITEJ".
13 września 2005 r.
Together we will do better
Statement of Andrzej Werkowski - Forum Industrial of Economic Organizations
Członkowie Forum

The Smelting Industry Chamber of Commerce
(Hutnicza Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa)
40-951 Katowice
ul. Lompy 14
tel. (032) 256-31-56
fax (032) 256-29-21
Polish Chamber of Industrial Energetics and Energy Customers
(Izba Energetyki Przemysłowej i Odbiorców Energii)
02-822 Warszawa
ul. Poleczki 21
tel. (022) 545-03-65
fax (022) 545-03-66
Chamber of Non-iron Metals
(Izba Gospodarcza Metali Nieżelaznych)
40-956 Katowice
ul. Graniczna 29
tel./fax (032) 255-50-11
Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry
(Polska Izba Przemysłu Chemicznego)
00-043 Warszawa
ul. Czackiego 15/17, pok. 320
fax (022) 829-73-39
Association of the Polish Papermakers
(Stowarzyszenie Papierników Polskich)
90-950 Łódź
pl. Komuny Paryskiej 5A
tel./fax (042) 632-43-65
Sanitary Ware and Silicate Employer's Union
(Związek Pracodawców Ceramiki Budowlanej i Silikatów)
00-050 Warszawa
ul. Mazowiecka 49 lok. 100
tel. (022) 826-31-01
fax (022) 827-79-73
"Polish Glass" Employer's Union
(Związek Pracodawców "Polskie Szkło")
00-302 Warszawa
ul. Mariensztat 8
tel. (022) 538-91-20
fax (022) 538-91-41
Izba Gospdarcza Ciepłownictwo Polskie
02-787 Warszawa
ul. Elegijna 59
tel./fax (022) 644-70-19
We want Polish companies to take advantage of the possibilities offered by the Kyoto Protocol. That is why we have established Forum Industrial of Economic Organizations (Forum Branżowych Organizacji Gospodarczych).
In 2002 Poland ratified the Kyoto Protocol which calls for a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. One year later the European Union adopted a directive establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading. In December 2004 the Polish parliament passed an act on trading of allowance for emission into air of greenhouse gases and other substances. As a result, Polish companies have found themselves in a new legal and economic situation. Together with its consequences, emissions trading system will have a major impact on company competitiveness and on the functioning and growth potential of entire sectors of the economy.
It is crucial, therefore, that new regulations do not affect competitiveness. On the contrary, they should help strengthen our position on the European and international markets. Much depends on companies themselves; on how quickly they will adapt to the new circumstances. On this point, cooperation between companies could prove to be very beneficial. As well as that, it is of importance to exchange experience and create a platform through which companies and the government could jointly work on the National Allocation Plan for 2008-2012.
Industrial Forum of Economic Organizations, known as FORUM CO2, has been established in response to the new challenges and needs of Polish companies. The forum is an initiative of the Polish Chamber of Industrial Energetics and Energy Customers (Izba Energetyki Przemysłowej i Odbiorców Energii) and was supported by organizations grouping companies from the sectors covered under the emissions trading system. Our initiative has also raised interest of other organizations. Recently, we have welcomed the Chamber of Heat Engineering (Izba Gospodarcza Ciepłownictwo Polskie) as our member and the Association of Cement Producers (Stowarzyszenie Producentów Cementu) as an observer. At present, FORUM CO2 member organizations represent entities responsible for the emission of around 60 million tonnes of CO2 a year.
FORUM CO2 is a supra-sectoral cooperation platform, an open initiative ready to work with all economic organizations and institutions. We do not aspire to play any higher role which would limit the independence of our member employers' unions, industry chambers or associations. Our goal is to solve specific problems. FORUM CO2 was established to fulfill the tasks connected with the implementation of emissions trading system at both the industry and the company level in an easier and more effective way. The best way to achieve this is through various initiatives which allow companies and sectors to exchange their experiences. It is also of great importance for us to cooperate with professional power industry. What we are aiming at is experience and information exchange.
Our primary goal is to join in the works on the NAP for 2008-2012. It is very important for us that the new NAP draft reflects the current and future needs of the concerned sectors. It should be based on clear criteria and principles as well as on accurate data. Reliable materials will give Polish negotiators weighty arguments to substantiate and defend our position towards the European Commission. For this purpose we plan to encourage all cooperating industries to create and implement preparatory programs for the second phase of the EU ETS in 2008-2012. We would like that by the end of this year every sector prepares a reliable development forecast taking into account technical progress, growing environmental protection requirements and, most of all, market development.
We will encourage the Polish government to create a modernization program of the Polish economy using the resources obtained from the sale of the national allowance pool for 2008-2012 under the Kyoto Protocol. We want to support research programs and projects which may lead to economically viable reduction and CO2 and other greenhouse gases emissions.
We look forward to cooperating with all organizations interested in pursuing these goals or able to offer their support. We also hope to actively cooperate on a partnership basis with the government and local authorities as well as non-governmental organizations and the media. n
Forum CO2 Industrial of Economic Organizations
(Forum CO2 Branżowych Organizacji Gospodarczych)
ul. Poleczki 21, 02-822 Warszawa
UP Warszawa 93, skr. poczt. 29
tel. (22) 545 03 65, tel./fax (22) 545 03 66
e-mail: forum@iep.org.pl