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Piła Waterworks

Energia - Środowisko
Dodatek promocyjno-reklamowy do "RZECZPOSPOLITEJ".
15 listopada 2005 r.



How to make effective use of European Union funds

Piła Waterworks

Interview with Bogumiła Stawińska, President of Miejskie Wodociągi i Kanalizacja Sp. z o.o. in Piła

Many Polish waterworks face difficulties in supplying water of satisfactory quality to users. How does your company manage to deal with this problem?

Indeed, this is a priority for all waterworks. Our company has struggled with this problem for several decades. Since as early as 1970, we have been aware that our water intakes face the danger of contamination with oil products from leaky fuel containers located on adjacent military fields. Additionally, due to the dynamic growth of cities over the last couple of years, our water supplies no longer ensured that current water demand in Piła is fully met. This is why we have taken steps to fulfill our obligations towards residential and other water users.

What were the steps you have taken?

In the 1990s we have commissioned an engineering project for the construction of a water purification plant and a new water intake. Such an investment is extremely expensive. At that time we did not have enough resources to independently undertake this task. But with the creation in the late 1990s of the Instrument for Structural Policy for Pre-accession known as ISPA (today's Cohesion Fund) there came a possibility of partial financing of the investment. In spite of the fact that we were not certain whether or not we would be granted financial aid, as the project was relatively "small", we have quickly filed an application for co-financing. And we made it. In 2000 Piła was included in the group of the first beneficiaries of ISPA. We have received a 51% co-financing support for the project from the European Union, that is 4.3 million euros, which was a great success for us. The remaining financial resources for the project realization came from Piła's budget and from Miejskie Wodociągi i Kanalizacja (MWiK). Then we had to prepare tender documents for the selection of a contractor and a contract engineer. After that the investment was ready to be launched.

What did you manage to construct thanks to the financial assistance from the European Union?

We have implemented a project called: "Water pipe network for Piła from the water intake in Dobrzyca and water purification plant". The contractor - "Hydrobudowa 9", an engineering construction company from Poznań built a water purification plant with the capacity of 1260 cm/h, a raw water main of 7 km, a clean water main of about 1.6 km and a raw water intake consisting of 9 deep water wells. A ceremonial opening of the water purification building located at Wawelska Street in Piła took place on 22 April 2005 and in the first half of May the town switched to the newly constructed intakes in Dobrzyca.

It is a new building and I presume that everything functions well. Did you manage to achieve your goals? In other words, did water quality in Piła improve?

Certainly, we have achieved our goal as far as the material scope of the project is concerned. As regards water quality, the greensand filter bed responsible mainly for the removal of iron and manganese ions from water has not yet matured. Now the problem is only manganese because the current allowed level of iron in water in Piła does not exceed 0.02 mg/l. That is why we are doing our best to make treated water comply with all parameters specified in the binding regulation of the minister of health and thus to achieve the environmental effect. It is worth paying attention to the fact that after the plant was put into operation, in some parts of the city the direction of water delivery has changed: it now "backflows". What is more, water pressure has increased. This results in the accumulated residue being washed off and, in turn, causes secondary water contamination. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to replace "old" clogged and small-diameter pipes which impede proper water deliveries to users with new ones. Since not all resources allocated for the realization of the investment were consumed and it would be a pity to return them to the EU budget, we have prolonged the project's Financing Memorandum. We have expanded the material scope of the project and as a result two new contracts have been separated.

Where else does the company plan to allocate the saved funds?

The investment, co-financed by the Cohesion Fund, is being continued by a new project called "Modernization of Piła's water supply system". Its aim is to lay and replace water pipe network in Piła in the area of Niepodległości Str., Koszycka Str., Wawelska Str., Lutycka Str., Bydgoska Str., Giełdowa Str., Żeleńskiego Str., O.M. Kolbe Str., Wiatraczna Str., Wyspiańskiego Str. and Motylew residential district, of the total length of 19.8 km. The city's development in the direction of Motylew residential district necessitates construction of a new water pipeline network to cover the current and future water demand of the district's new residents. Replacing old water pipes with new ones will allow for proper and steady water supplies in all parts of the city. A proper water circulation in residential water lines will be ensured thus reducing the occurrence of emergency situations.

The next task will consist in liquidation of 39 wells in the city. After the construction of the water intake in Dobrzyca the till now operated wells should be liquidated so that they do not pose a threat to the environment and do not create costs of their upkeeping. After that a 5.6 km long SN 15 kV power line connecting water purification plant located in Piła at Wałecka Street with "North" transformer station (GPZ Północ) will be lain. It will constitute a back-up power supply for the plant and will thus provide for its proper functioning in emergency events.

After the completion of numerous works in the city we will be able to ensure that water is supplied at a proper pressure and that it meets all rigorous drinking water parameters specified both in Polish regulations and in European Union's directives. Moreover, the project co-financed by the European Union, will lead to the reduction of disparities in economic and social development in the EU.

When do you plan to launch the new investment and how long will its implementation take?

The implementation of the new investment has already begun. On 22 August 2005, MWiK has signed an agreement for Engineering Services with a limited liability company B-Act from Bydgoszcz. Under the agreement the Engineer will exercise investor supervision of the project. Construction works will be carried out by a consortium led by "Hydrobudowa 9" PIB Sp. z o.o. from Poznań whose member is "HYDRO-NAFT" Sp. z o.o. from Piła. The agreement with the consortium worth 2.4 million euros was signed on 23 August 2005.

Construction works have begun in late October. That is why we might expect some temporary water supply disruptions and inconveniences to the public, especially in construction areas. A recompense for these inconveniences will be improvement of drinking water quality and supply after the full implementation of the investment. Works completion is scheduled for the 4th quarter of 2006.

I would like to add that as a company we seek to fulfill our responsibilities towards our customers and to effectively and efficiently manage the resources entrusted to us.

Let me then congratulate you on the efficient use of the European Union's funds and wish you every success for the future.

Aleksandra Zachęć

Miejskie Wodociągi i Kanalizacja Spółka z o.o. w Pile
64-920 Piła, ul. Chopina 2
tel. (067) 212-29-74, fax (067) 212-59-30