Energia - Środowisko
Dodatek promocyjno-reklamowy do "RZECZPOSPOLITEJ".
15 listopada 2005 r.
For Słupsk and its surrounding areas
As we know, pro-ecological actions are undertaken not only for present but mainly for future benefits, especially those which will accrue in the distant future. Such actions are all the more important if they cover not solely one town, for example, but the whole region. This was the leading idea of the local authorities of Słupsk and the neighbouring country communes of Słupsk and Kobylnica which decided jointly to implement the "Water-Sewage Management Programme in the area of Słupsk". Last December the project was approved by the European Commission. The Commission decided to direct 13.7 million euros from the Cohesion Fund to co-finance the investment (about 70% of the project's total value). The beneficiary of the EU aid is Wodociągi Słupsk Sp. z o.o. (Słupsk Waterworks, a limited liability company).
The project - which will reduce economic and social disparities in the European Union - foresees creation of a new central system to transport sewage, development of a treatment plant in Słupsk (which will also treat sewage from neighbouring communes), construction of a water purification station, reorganization of the sewage network in Słupsk (splitting of the combined sewage system into storm water drainage system and sanitary sewage system) and development of the sewage system - of total length of over 150 km, mainly in country communes.
"We want our town and the whole area of Słupsk to become more and more attractive both for tourists and for investors. However this is not possible without investments, also in ecology. The area of Słupsk is one of the cleanest areas in Poland and it should remain so.", says the mayor of Słupsk, Maciej Kobyliński.
The investment implementation will begin next year and will be completed in 2008. Settlement of accounts with the European Union will be done one year later.
"Wodociągi Słupsk"
ul. E. Orzeszkowej 1, 76-200 Słupsk
tel. (059) 842-60-51
e-mail: [email protected]