Energia - Środowisko
Dodatek promocyjno-reklamowy do "RZECZPOSPOLITEJ".
15 listopada 2005 r.

Zielona Góra and the municipalities of Zielona Góra and Świdnica
The water and sewage management system
Zielnogórskie Wodociągi i Kanalizacja Sp. z o.o. launches a project on "Water and sewage management in Zielona Góra and Świdnica". The investment, financed in 85% by the European Union's Cohesion Fund, will help modernize and reorganize the water and sewage management system in Zielona Góra and its municipalities. It is worth noting that on 35 applications submitted to the European Union in 2004, Zielona Góra's was among the 22 projects approved by the European Commission.
The water and sewage system upgrade project in Zielona Góra and the municipalities of Zielona Góra and Świdnica will eliminate deficiencies in the existing sewage and water supply system. It is therefore both preventive and corrective in nature.
In early August this year two open tenders for the realization of the initial stages of the project were announced. At present the tender commission is working to select contractors for the project.
The investment
The project envisages construction and renovation of approx. 150 km of sanitary sewage system, stormwater drainage and water supply systems as well as modernization of "Łącza" Central Sewage Treatment Plant which provides wastewater treatment services to Zielona Góra. The project will include implementation of the following investments:
Renovation of the existing sanitary sewage system covering 31 streets in Zielona Góra of the total length of 10.7 km;
Construction of sanitary sewage and stormwater drainage systems covering the following residential districts: Słowackiego, Jędrzychów III and Jędrzychów V, Chynów, Ogrodnictwo and Mazurskie, of the total length of 64 km;
Construction of sanitary sewage system in the municipality of Zielona Góra in the following towns: Przylep, Stary Kisielin, Nowy Kisielin, of the total length of 56 km;
Construction of sanitary sewage and water supply system in Wilkanowo in Świdnica municipality, of the total length of 18.2 km;
Construction of sewage sludge incinerator in "Łącza" Central Sewage Treatment Plant and development of the mechanical section of the plant.
Thanks to the project implementation about 18 000 new users will be hooked up to the new sewage-water system and, as a result, an integrated sewage-water system linked with "Łącza" Central Sewage Treatment Plant will be created. The system will ensure an environmentally friendly residential sewage disposal and treatment (92.25% of the total residential sewage volume after the completion of the project). Moreover, the capacity of "Łącza" Central Sewage Treatment Plant will be developed further by 33 667 RLM to reach approx. 245 667 RLM the project completion.
Actions and methods
The project will be carried out with the application of environmentally-friendly methodologies and technologies beneficial for the water and sewage system. Renovation of the water and sewage network will be carried out by the newest trenchless methods. The selection of the target method (for example cracking or sliplining technologies such as pipe sleeves) will depend on the technical condition of the sewage system. Such solutions will help avoid degradation of the existing infrastructure.
Construction of water and sewer lines will be carried out by open excavation methods. "Łącza" Central Sewage Treatment Plant (where the construction of a sludge drying installation, co-financed by PHARE SSG - 2002 Fund, is already underway) will be further expanded thanks to the Cohesion Fund support: a sewage sludge incinerator will be built and the mechanical section of the plant will be developed.
The project will reduce social and economic disparities between various regions of the European Union. It will contribute to the protection of surface and ground waters by the reduction of: untreated waste discharges into rivers, ground water contamination from leaky holding tanks (cesspool) and sanitary pipes, concentration of free phosphorus and nitrogen in treated sewage. Moreover, the share of infiltration waters in the overall volume of waste will be reduced. The main ecologic advantage of the project will be the improvement of water quality in the Odra River basin.
Thanks to the investment, the volume of sludge produced by the treatment plant will decrease and its quality will improve. Currently, 11 200 tonnes of sludge are produced every year as a result of the treatment process. Financed from the Cohesion Fund, a sludge incinerator will reduce these volumes to 2 738 tonnes annually.
Good management of water and sewage system in Zielona Góra and its surrounding areas will have a positive impact on the environment, human health and the economy. It will enhance the investment and tourist attractiveness of the town and will contribute to the development of the whole region.
It is worth noting that the project will boost investment in the town and the neighbouring areas. It will bring about greater demand for services in construction and engineering, road works and trade provided by local and other companies.
Terms and costs
The project will be implemented in the years 2005-2008. 85% (i.a. 26 644 758 euro) of its qualified costs will be financed by Cohesion Fund while the remaining 15% (i.a. 4 702 016 Euro) will be covered by Zielnogórskie Wodociągi i Kanalizacja Sp. z o.o., the town of Zielona Góra and the municipalities of Zielona Góra and Świdnica. The total qualified cost of the project is 31 346 774 euro.
The project has been divided into 6 tasks. The initial phase will consist in the construction of a collector sewer in Chynów which will intercept sewage from the Economic Activity Area and connect households in this area to the sanitary sewage system alongside the collector. The completion of this task is scheduled for March 2006.
Agreements with contractors for the next construction works will be signed in 2006 as the remaining phases of the project will be launched in the second quarter of 2006. Contractors will be selected through tender in compliance with Public Procurement Law.
Project management
A limited liability company - Zielnogórskie Wodociągi i Kanalizacja is the main investor and the future operator of the new infrastructure. Other bodies engaged in the project implementation are: Ministry of Labour and Economic Affairs - managing institution, Ministry of Finance - financing institution, Ministry of Environment - first-level intermediate body, National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management - second-level intermediate body.
The End Beneficiary of the Cohesion Fund aid is Zielnogórskie Wodociągi i Kanalizacja, a limited liability company. Current information on the investment in Zielona Góra and the municipalities of Zielona Góra and Świdnica, co-financed, from the Cohesion Fund is also available on the website of Zielnogórskie Wodociągi i Kanalizacja Sp. z o.o.: www.zwik.zgora.pl.
"Zielonogórskie Wodociągi i Kanalizacja" Sp. z o.o.
65-120 Zielona Góra
ul. Zjednoczenia 110A
tel. (068) 451-93-00, fax (068) 451-93-51
e-mail: [email protected]