Energia - Środowisko - Infrastruktura
Dodatek promocyjno-reklamowy do "RZECZPOSPOLITEJ".
21 marca 2006 r.
"Polish Waterworks" Chamber of Commerce
"Polish Waterworks" Chamber of Commerce is a local government unit providing assistance to waterworks utilities through, i.a., knowledge transfer schemes and programmes for development of sectoral standards.
The objective of these programmes is to lend support to waterworks companies. This includes assistance in identification of problems relevant to water supply systems, spread of know-how as well as consultancy on project preparation in compliance with European Union co-funding requirements, says Stanisław Drzewiecki, President of the Chamber.
Our activities include organisation of conferences, trainings and workshops. We also provide counselling services for promotion of good practice.
We focus on maximizing the use of EU funding available for large, complex infrastructure projects necessary to improve water quality and improve the environment which meet society's expectations.
We are aware of the fact that the Chamber plays a crucial role in this process and we will do our utmost to ensure success of every EU funding application at any stage, whether during preparation of the project, application for funding or during project implementation - all this for the sake of the society's benefit.. n
