Energia - Środowisko - Infrastruktura
Dodatek promocyjno-reklamowy do "RZECZPOSPOLITEJ".
21 marca 2006 r.

100 kilometres of sewage network
19 kilometres of water supply network
and 17 sewage pumping stations
Waste managed
There is a lot of work ahead of us - says Janusz Dulik, Chairman of Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Sp. z o.o. in Piekary Śląskie
On 23 December 2005, Piekary Śląskie received a wonderful Christmas gift. The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management informed us that the European Commission had decided to award assistance to the project "Water Supply and Sewage System for Piekary Śląskie" (CCI 2005/PL/16/C/PE/006).
This means that the first phase of the investment, worth over 100 million PLN, will be implemented already in 2006. Under the European Commission's decision, MPWiK received 65.7 million PLN in EU grant for the project. The remaining investment cost will be covered by the company, the town budget and loans from the Voivodeship and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
The sewage management project envisages construction of a new treatment plant, modernization of the existing treatment facility as well as construction of over 100 km of the sewage network, 19 km of water supply network and 17 sewage pumping stations. Sewage treatment plants in Piekary Śląskie will be aligned to all relevant EU standards. The performance of or water management system will be improved within 4 years.
The investment will have a major positive impact on the environment as it will lead to a significant improvement in water quality. It will allow us to upgrade the sewage treatment system and improve sanitary conditions thereby enhancing living conditions for town residents. Moreover, thanks to the investment, we will also be able to create facilities for sport and recreation in the city's riverside areas.
Co-funded by the European Union, this project will help reduce economic and social disparities in the Community. n
Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo
Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Sp. z o.o.
ul. Biskupa Nankera 103
41-947 Piekary Śląskie
tel. (032) 287-98-02