Energia - Środowisko - Infrastruktura
Dodatek promocyjno-reklamowy do "RZECZPOSPOLITEJ".
21 marca 2006 r.

Sewage and water management
Interview with Stanisław Korfanty, Mayor of Piekary Śląskie
Was it easy for the mining municipality of Piekary Śląskie (a town on poviat rights with a population of 60 thousand) to obtain funds from the European Commission?
The decision to apply for EU funding was made at the beginning of the current term of office. However, since the requirements of EU assistance programmes changed after Poland's accession to the European Union, we had to align the whole project to new rules and procedures. This cost us a lot of work and money but it was worth it. The European Commission's approval of the application is our success which will bring a number of measurable environmental benefits in the coming years. Piekary Śląskie have waited to improve its sewage management system for a long time; two districts of the town are still not covered by the sanitary network.
Given the extent of the project, the town was financially capable of implementing it. Now the European Union makes it possible. The total investment cost amounts to over 115 million PLN, of which 65 million PLN will be covered from the Cohesion Fund - this is half of the town's annual budget. The remaining cost will be financed by the municipality, MPWiK, the National and the Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
How important is the project for Piekary Śląskie?
The measurable benefits of the project will be lower eco fees - we will be able to reduce them thanks to the new sewage treatment plant and upgraded sewage system.
The town is making continuous efforts to improve the environment. We are already implementing a clean air program to reduce low emission. Now we will improve water quality hoping that within the next few years we will restore our rivers to full health, as they once used to be. n
Urząd Miasta Piekary Śląskie
41-947 Piekary Śląskie
ul. Bytomska 84
tel. (032) 287-20-41