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Improvement of wastewater system management

Infrastruktura - Środowisko - Energia
Dodatek promocyjno-reklamowy do "RZECZPOSPOLITEJ".
20 grudnia 2006 r.

po polsku




Improvement of wastewater system management

The city of Kalisz is launching a project entitled "Reconstruction of wastewater collection system in Kalisz" (reference number CCI 2004/PL/16/C/PE/008) co-funded at 50% under the European union Cohesion Fund. The project will allow treatment of all wastewater generated in Kalisz. The city of Kalisz is one of the 22 beneficiaries of EU Cohesion Fund assistance for environmental protection in 2004.

Investment scope

The project envisages construction of over 83 km of sanitary wastewater disposal network, 24 km of storm water drainage and 22 wastewater pumping stations. It comprises six residential areas of mainly single family housing (Majkow, Chmielni, Piwonice, Szcypiorno, Miła, Winiary) located on the outskirts of Kalisz. Sanitary wastewater from these residential areas will be conveyed through the gravity sewer lines or - in particular circumstances - through force mains from local pump stations to interceptors and the main collector to finally reach the wastewater treatment plant in Kuchary. Storm water collected from streets, squares, houses will be discharged into open waters through a gravity sewer system upon its prior pre-treatment to required standards.

Wastewater system at present

The major part of the wastewater system is based on the gravity sewer system. The city has 25 wastewater pump stations in operation. Although the overall technical condition of the network is satisfactory, nearly 50% of the lines is over 30 years old and almost 25% is over 60 years old. This may lead to leakages and increased ground water infiltration.


The investment will solve the major water and wastewater problems in Kalisz. The project's benefits include:

  • removal of 14 outfalls discharging sanitary wastewater directly into the Prosna river, its channels and tributaries;
  • conveyance of the majority of wastewater to a treatment facility;
  • liquidation of combined sewer system in three residential districts of Majków, Chmielnik, Miła and its subsequent transformation into storm water system. Additionally, construction of sanitary wastewater disposal system and storm water drainage in these districts;
  • construction of sanitary wastewater disposal system and storm water drainage in Winiary district and sanitary wastewater disposal system in Szczpiorno and Piwonice districts;
  • increased capacity utilization at the wastewater treatment plant in Kuchary; reduction of storm water runoff and sewer infiltration waters in the wastewater delivered to the facility;
  • water quality improvement in the Prosna, Warta and Odra rivers and, as a result, reduction of contaminants entering the Baltic Sea;
  • liquidation of leaky cesspools causing soil, aquifer and surface water contamination;
  • increase in the number of inhabitants connected to the sewer collection system by around 1600 persons;
  • improvement of living standards for the inhabitants of Kalisz and better prospects for economic growth.


The project will employ a construction technology commonly used for these kind of investments. Thanks to microtunneling, blocking driving lanes will not be necessary and the traffic at the main crossroads in the city will be kept flowing. To minimize inconveniences, works are planned to be carried out simultaneously in adjacent districts.

Sanitary sewers will consist of ¤200-400 diameter stoneware pipes while storm water drains will consist of ¤160-900 diameter PCV, PE and PP pipes.

Deadlines and costs

The construction contractor for the project is Wielkopolskie Przedsiebiorstwo Robót Inżynieryjnych "WUPRINŻ-Poznań" Sp. z o.o. and Przedsiebiorstwo Robót Budowlanych i Melioracyjnych "WYDROWAT" Kowalski Kaziemierz z konina. The Project Engineering has been assigned to a Warsaw company ECM Group Sp. z o.o. The task completion is scheduled for the end of September 2009. Phase One will include construction of wastewater collection system in the districts of Chmielnik, Winiary and Szczypiorno and, subsequently, in the districts of Majkow, Piwonice and Miła.

The total investment expenditure is estimated at nearly 80 million PLN. 50% of the project's eligible costs - i.a. 7 990 921 euros - will be covered by the Cohesion Fund grant and 8.5 million PLN will come from Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji in Kalisz. The remaining part will be financed by the city of Kalisz under i.a. preferential loans from the Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

Urząd Miejski w Kaliszu
62-800 Kalisz, Główny Rynek 20
tel. (062) 765-43-00