Jakość - Normalizacja - Certyfikacja
Dodatek lobbingowy do RZECZPOSPOLITEJ.
9 listopada 2007 r.
po polsku
The winner of the Polish Quality Award contest
Quality and safety
An interview with Jolanta Citko, the director of the Province Specialized Hospital in Olsztyn
Any award is a reason for satisfaction and a fruit of hard work. Is receiving the Polish Quality Award an end of the road in promoting quality?
 Continuous improvement is an indication of the hospital's growth and growth is the only way to become successful. We cannot stop and, therefore, this award does not signify an end, but is rather the beginning of a new stage. We have learned what we do well and which areas require more of our attention. We get a lot of satisfaction from job well done. Now it is the employees who are changing their approach to the daily activities in the hospital. I think they are more aware of the importance of their job and of the role of each employee in the organization. We do our best to make sure that all the changes in the hospital are changes for the better. Moreover, I see that we become better integrated and that we have common goals. We want the hospital to meet the expectations set by this award. We want the hospital to guarantee safety and the highest quality so that patients can entrust their health to our doctors and nurses.
WSS w Olsztynie
zajmuje się działalnością leczniczą i zabiegową, a także diagnostyką, terapią, rehabilitacją, pielęgnacją, poradami specjalistycznymi, edukacją, profilaktyką i promocją zdrowia,
posiada 443 łóżka oraz dysponuje 20 oddziałami szpitalnymi, 36 poradniami, 42 pracowniami, 2 zakładami, 4 działami oraz apteką szpitalną, blokiem operacyjnym, stacją dializ i sterylizatornią,
jest jednostką odwoławczą i odpowiada za najpoważniejsze i najbardziej skomplikowane problemy medyczne w województwie warmińsko-mazurskim,
blisko 800 pracowników świadczy usługi dla mieszkańców Olsztyna i regionu Warmii i Mazur,
rocznie hospitalizowanych jest 20 tys. pacjentów, zaś w poradniach udzielanych ponad 80 tys. porad,
wiele oddziałów szpitalnych jest jedynymi w regionie Warmii i Mazur, m.in. kardiochirurgia, gastroenterologia, nefrologia, endokrynologia, diabetologia i hematologia,
jako jednostka specjalistyczna posiada nowoczesny sprzęt, zatrudnia wykwalifikowaną kadrę medyczną, a jego profilowość pozwala na działanie i rozwój w wielu kierunkach,
wysoki poziom leczenia pacjentów potwierdzany jest licznymi certyfikatami i wysokimi lokatami w ogólnopolskich rankingach najlepszych szpitali w kraju,
posiada certyfikat akredytacyjny Centrum Monitorowania Jakości w Ochronie Zdrowia oraz certyfikaty ISO 9001 Zarządzanie Jakością i ISO 14001 Zarządzanie Środowiskowe,
od 2004 roku szpital wykazuje dodatni wynik finansowy. n
What is the message of this award?
We have to keep a dialog with the patients and stay in contact with them if they are to trust us. One possible form of such dialog is to show the patients what we are really like. However, the message will be more credible if it is expressed by experts. This is why we are willing to be assessed by independent bodies. In this way we gain credibility and the award ensures the patients that our hospital is a safe institution and the medical services provided are of outstanding quality. Our participation in the Polish Quality Award contest allowed for an impartial assessment according to Total Quality Management criteria.
Few hospitals enter such contests, even though they make it possible to scrutinize the organization and to fix the problems that we do not see ourselves.
To the patient of a hospital, safety is of key importance.
This is a true statement and patients of the Province Specialized Hospital in Olsztyn can feel safe. The hospital makes continuous improvements and introduces multiple changes to assure proper standards of safety. We have established a Team for Hospital Infections which monitors the number of infections in our hospital, provides a continuous supervision of procedures and examines hospital units on a daily basis. An increase in the number of infections poses a problem to many health care institutions but our hospital efficiently detects infections and keeps them in check. Moreover, proper medical waste management guarantees the safety of our patients and employees alike. It is of particular significance as in our nuclear medicine unit isotopes are stored that are a health hazard and in the operating rooms there is medical surgical waste. The safety of disabled people is also fundamental. Therefore, in order to eliminate architectural barriers we have built a new driveway, replaced lifts, and adjusted toilets to their needs. The Province Specialized Hospital in Olsztyn is definitely a safe hospital.
What are the plans for the hospital and what are you going to improve now?
We have modernized many hospital ward but we would like to continue this investment so that patients can recover in comfort. We are increasing the number of beds. The improvement of living conditions is also important. We will continue enhancing the system of information flow and will computerize the whole hospital. Our primary investment, though, is the construction of an operating block and the central sterilization room. This we will ensure the European standard of treatment in the Warmińsko - Mazurskie Province. There is plenty to be done in the future and we do all this to take the best care of our patients health.
Thank you for the interview.
Kornelia Kotwicka

Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny w Olsztynie
ul. Żołnierska 18, 10-561 Olsztyn
tel. 089 538-65-50